Poornima Ramesh
I graduated from the BS-MS programme at IISER-Kolkata (with a major in Physics) in 2018. For my Master's thesis, I worked on Generalized Linear Models to characterize retinal ganglion cell (RGC) responses to electrical stimulation.I am now a PhD student at TU Munich in Germany. My work involves developing computational tools to improve retinal prosthetics for patients with retinal degenerative diseases.
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Srashti Goyal
I have joined at ICTS as a Ph.D. Scholar in 2018. My interest lies in the mathematical and computational modeling of various physical phenomena ranging from Biology to Economy. I did my BS - MS dual degree in physics from IISER Kolkata, 2013 - 2018.My master's thesis was in Nonlinear Dynamics, under the guidance of Prof. Soumitro Banerjee. We derived a numerical continuation algorithm for bifurcation analysis of a state jump system, Izheikevich model of a neuron. We also modeled the parabolic bursting waves in the 2D monolayer of cardiac cells using the extended Morris Leccar model.
Apart from academics, I love music, dancing, trekking, and swimming.
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Sayantan Majumdar
A BS-MS student in the Department of Physical Sciences working under the supervision of Prof. Banerjee. I Studied the nonlinearities in Quantum systems ( Open Quantum Systems ) and the quantum to classical transition for classically nonlinear systems. Then, I worked on a cross-platform desktop app and a python package which contained implementations of algorithms useful for studying piecewise-smooth continuous systems.Email ID: majumdar.sayantan [at] outlook [dot] com
More information available here My Resume can be downloaded here

Subhayu Bagchi
My primary area of interest is the dynamics in curved spacetime. Tell-tale signs of non-linearity, in the form of quasi-periodic or multi-periodic orbits around black hole systems are the focus of my work. Geodesic equations in the strong-field limit of General Relativity are taken as the basis and hence, this involves heavy computational work.I am currently exploring the quasinormal modes of black holes and their relationship to the corresponding null geodesics. I intend to extend my work into numerical relativity in the coming days, analyzing compact binary systems. For more details, please visit my webpage.
After completing my preliminary school education, I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Technology, specializing in Electronics and Communications. I have an ardent interest in diverse areas like Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Neural Networks, as well as Artificial Intelligence of game playing bots. Other than this, I am a puzzles and games aficionado and a competitive quizzer.
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Abhijit Bera
My research interest lies on investigating different nonlinear phenomena in memristor circuit. Currently, I am involved to implement memristor circuit with a vacuum triode.Email ID:
Atrayee Sarkar
I am a final year integrated BS-MS student in physics department. My primary interest lies in computational aspects on nonlinear dynamics.Currently, I am working on developing a new technique to compute stable manifolds in 2D and 3D invertable and non-invertable maps.
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Mahashweta Patra
I received my B.Sc degree in Physics from Visa-Bharati University in 2012. I am a 6th year Integrated PhD student in IISER-Kolkata.I am mainly interested in three dimensional piecewise smooth systems. Systems that are not smooth can undergo bifurcations that are forbidden in smooth systems, such as border collision bifurcations and robust chaos. I have also studied synchronization in periodic oscillators.
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Soumyajit Seth
I obtained my Bachelors and Masters Degree in Physics from the University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India in 2012 and 2014 respectively. I am now pursuing my research at the Department of Physical Sciences at IISER Kolkata. My work is funded by the INSPIRE Fellowship (given by DST, Goverment of India).My research involves investigating different Border Collision Bifurcation phenomena experimentally in physical systems.
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Bichitra Kumar Lenka
My research interests lie in fractional order ordinary differential equations.Email ID:
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Nivedita Bhadra
After completing M.Sc from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, I joined Jawaharlal Nehru University as a project student in June 2011. I worked on Molecular dynamics simulations in granular materials for almost a year with Prof. Sanjay Puri. I am currently enrolled as a Ph.D student at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata since January 2013. My Ph.D thesis is centered around exploring aspects of temporally perturbed dynamical system which includes parametric resonance, noise-induced transition, the effect of time-varying network topology in a system with long-range interaction. I am also involved in the investigation of multi-body dynamics and dynamical system analysis in cosmological models.
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Dhrubajyoti Mandal
My research interests lie in the dynamics of piecewise smooth maps. I have been awarded the CSIR-UGC NET Junior Research Fellowship and the IISER-Kolkata Institute Fellowship for pursuing my PhD.Email ID:
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Dr. Kuntal Mandal
I was a post-doctoral fellow from 2012 to 2017 at KAU Jedau Saudi Arabia and IISER-Kolkata. My research interests lie in the development of control strategies for power electronic systems. I am currently an Assistant Professor at NIT Sikkim.Email ID:
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Chiranjit Mitra
I graduated with a B.S. - M.S. Dual Degree in Physics from IISER Kolkata in 2014. I was a part of the lab while I was working for my Master's thesis under the supervision of Prof. Soumitro Banerjee. During my stay at the lab, I was primarily interested in the dynamics of complex networks of delay coupled nonlinear time-delay systems.Presently, I am enrolled as a Ph.D. student of Physics at the Department of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin while I work as a doctoral researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). My present research interests, as a part of my doctoral dissertation comprise developing stability & resilience measures for multistable complex dynamical systems.
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Arindam Saha
I completed my B.S.-M.S. dual degree (physics majors) from IISER Kolkata in 2015. In my masters' thesis completed under Prof. Banerjee, I worked on the generalization of dangerous bifurcations occurring in piecewise smooth maps. My work primarily comprised of finding additional mechanisms by which --- and uncovering additional regions in the parameter space where --- such bifurcations might occur.Currently, I am working as a Ph.D. student in the University of Oldenburg, Germany on the generation and propagation of extreme events which are rare, aperiodic, recurrent events which have a large impact on dynamical systems. Currently, I am studying model excitable systems like FitzHugh-Nagumo Oscillators (which are known to generate extreme events) and trying to find signatures left by such events prior to their occurrence and develop precursors to these events
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Ankur Shringi
I did my B.S.-M.S. majoring in physics from IISER Kolkata. I worked with Prof. Soumitro Banerjee and Dr. Punyasloke Bhaduri on modelling of seasonal phytoplankton bloom in the Sunderban delta-estuarine system for my masters project at IISER. I took advantage of my Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) fellowship and worked on a variety of small projects such as KDP crystal-growth at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Pockel’s effect at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, brain machine interfacing at National Brain Research Centre, Manesar. As a recipient of the DAAD fellowship, I worked on flattening of the supercontinuum spectra of light for astronomical purpose at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Munich, Germany.I am currently pursuing my PhD under the guidance of Prof. R. Sukumar at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. I am modeling the role of rainfall and fire in aboveground biomass dynamics in the tropical forests of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India. I am also modeling allometric relationship between tree height and trunk diameter across the entire latitudinal range of the evergreen forests of Western Ghats.
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Abhranil Das
I did my masters in Physics in Dr Banerjee's group in 2013, on the dynamics of the thermal ratchets model of diffusive transport. I am now a physics PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin. For my research I've been working at the Center for Learning and Memory, and the Center for Perceptual Systems, in the departments of Neuroscience and Psychology. I have worked with Dr Ila Fiete on theoretical and computational neuroscience, and with Dr Wilson Geisler on theoretical, computational and experimental approaches to understanding vision.Email ID:
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